20 years of experience in advertising, web design, photography and audiovisual have made me a complete professional who can offer you a complete communication package. From strategy to content, from a wireframe sketch to a new Word Press optimized website. Because I can balance any technique with the best creative solutions, hiring me will save you money and time by focusing the work on a multitasking professional.

Lisbon Book Fair with fantastic look

With a fantastic look, the 2023 Lisbon Book Fair explores the Portuguese imagination while reinforcing the impact of reading.
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The more you read,
the more you see.

Humor in the Super Bonder ad.

Super Bonder, to celebrate 65 years of worldwide (universal) expansion of the brand, honored (and trolled) the character Spock from the Star Trek franchise and his famous Vulcan greeting with fingers glued together.

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Neuro Event Labs renews visual identity.

The company, an innovator in the diagnosis of epilepsy using artificial intelligence, has recently repositioned its image in the North American and Nordic market.
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IELT, from Nova Lisboa University, restructures website.

The IELT (Institute for Traditional Literature Studies) website was created with Html5, CSS, WordPress and php 7.4. In its structure, it was already designed to make use of the latest SEO technologies and today it is the research center with the most access at the New University of Lisbon.
<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.

Do you want do see more wesites?

The big wave season in Nazaré started with a ‘big’ campaign

To publicize the giant wave season, the Portuguese tourism department commissioned a campaign that needed to be impressive and draw a lot of attention for its look.

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The big wave season in Nazaré started with a ‘big’ campaign

To publicize the giant wave season, the Portuguese tourism department commissioned a campaign that needed to be impressive and draw a lot of attention for its look.

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Stranger Things season finale already has a premiere date (and new live posters)

Netflix also revealed that Season 5 of Stranger Things will debut in August 2024 and will be darker than previous seasons.

While Netflix (not even the advertising agency) has revealed absolutely nothing of the official Season 5 plot in this briefing, it has been said that the end of the series will be shocking and wild.

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toyota logo@4x

New Toyota RAV4 launched on social media

Work done for the agency Caetsu, from Porto/Portugal, to promote the new generation of the Toyota RAV4. This work consists of animated banners present in different types of websites and platforms.

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Three Gorges Dam launches program for expats worldwide

Work carried out for the Three Gorges Dam, in China, the largest power plant in the world, through the endomarketing company Happy House Brasil. The images, in the background, comprise places of that country known worldwide, which are part of the imagination of people who aim to get to know Brazil someday.

<<See this project>> or <<see all print projects>>.

Neuro Event Labs present at Healthcare InnoMatch 2022

Through the 5-minute Project Pitch, Neuro Event Labs (which focuses on the solutions for epileptic seizures) was present at Healthcare InnoMatch 2022, a challenge that aims at innovative solutions, ready for the market or near-market-ready to meet critical and emerging healthcare needs.

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HIFI KIT, specializing in audio and video equipment, proves that it has cables for all needs.

Probably anyone who has never seen an RCA cable in their life, or never needed to connect a VHS to the television or set up a home theater will not understand this billboards made for the hi-fi people.

headliner: HDMI’s people will not to understand.
tagline: cables for all needs



Intermarché Portugal renews line of brochures

In 2019, Lola Normajean, a communication agency located in Lisbon/Portugal, started to revitalize the brochures of Intermarché, a supermarket chain present in Portugal, Spain, France, Lebanon, Egypt, Romania and Belgium.

See some of the brochures made between 2019 and 2021 below.

No job too big, no crime scene too small!

SPIC and SPAN is a professional cleaning company offering a quality service for homes, apartments and businesses (among other things). Using high quality cleaning products and modern equipment to ensure that all of their clients receive impeccable cleaning service.


New Honda Civic launched in Portugal

Work done for the agency Caetsu, from Porto/Portugal, to promote the new generation of the Toyota RAV4. This work consists of animated banners present in different types of websites and platforms.

<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.

APREN, Portuguese Renewable Energy Association, restructures website

In this work, carried out independently but in partnership with the advertising agency that serves APREN, I was able to create the wireframe and the visual line.

Always dreamed of owning a vacation home?

And how about a vacation car? Now, with Finlog’s 2×1 renting solution, you can have a city car for everyday use and an extra car for your holidays. All inclusive from €220/month.

The banners feature “dynamic lines that reinforce Finlog’s promise to lead customers to the perfect mobility solution for their routes and routes”.

The choice of blue was due to the purpose of bringing the brand closer to the Salvador Caetano Group’s codes.

toyota logo@4x

Toyota launches landpage to promote forklifts

Toyota recently launched the BT Tyro stacker, an entry-level pedestrian electric stacker (for light operations), with the concept of “Extra energy to recharge your business”. This stacker is the latest member of the BT Tyro family and is an evolution of the electric pedestrian pallet truck we launched last year, with the “puzzle” concept, “fits your business”.
While the pallet truck (moves pallets) is suitable for confined areas and useful in any type of business (from the supermarket to the hotel), the stacker is already a warehouse equipment, which not only moves pallets, but also lifts and stacks them.

<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.

XXS renews visual line for social media

XXS, Portuguese Association for Support of Premature Babies, is a group of parents who have lived the experience of prematurity in the first person.

To address this issue on social media, it was necessary to embrace the adventure of motherhood and fatherhood for something unexpectedly unwanted: prematurity.

<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.


Hyundai launches accessories rental page program

Hyundai will now launch a new roof rack and roof bag rental campaign, accessories that emerge as excellent storage solutions for any vehicle.

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Neuro Event Labs has a new brand guideline

Founded in 2015 in Tampere, Finland, Neuro Event Labs are pioneering in Epilepsy space by providing cutting edge AI technology to set in Epilepsy diagnostics & monitoring. The new brand guideline that will be applied to the company’s worldwide communication.
<<See this project>> or <<see all graphic design projects>>.

New Toyota RAV4 launched on social media

Based on the history of each customer who goes to the brand’s workshop, Toyota is able to draw a consumption profile. It is able to estimate the time when each vehicle must undergo the next inspection or the deadline for carrying out a Technical Vehicle Inspection, and it does so by already indicating the estimated price for each inspection.

This information is very valid, as it allows relational marketing actions tailored to the needs of each client.

<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.

Intermarché Portugal renews bakery bags

Intermarché, the first historical brand of the group “The Musketeers”, to act for more than 40 years throughout Europe, started in Portugal the creation of a new visual identity that should reach all countries where the brand is present

There were 8 bag models, which symbolizes the 8 pillars of the brand and the 8 countries where the brand is present.

<<See this project>> or <<see all graphic design projects>>.

In the city of the sun, go for the shade

Lisbon is the city of the sun and attracts all those looking for good weather. It is the city with the most hours of sunshine in Europe and it has one of the mildest climates in the world. And as everyone likes the sun, especially in such a beautiful city, Lisbon receives almost millions of tourists every year.

But where there is sun, in the shade

That’s why we created GPSHADE; an ad-on of google maps that, in real time, shows us the path with more shade to our destination.

<<See this project>> or <<see all digital projects>>.

West Coast makes new packaging

West Coast, a brand of sidewalks known worldwide, launched new packaging for the foreign market. This work was carried out in partnership with Code Design, Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil.

<<See this project>> or <<see all graphic design projects>>.

Emo-LAB[s] now has a website

EMOLABS, a laboratory that explores the impact that emotions and morals, have on our behavior and our ability to make decisions individually and in groups. This site was created to promote theoretical and experimental workshops.
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Angola now has new interactive media

SANTA VENDA is a communication company created to help those who want to sell and those who want to buy.

Advertising through SANTA VENDA is a turnkey business. We go to your company, be it a store, clinic, factory, office, etc., and we record the videos with state-of-the-art equipment, with our team of presenters promoting all the advantages that your business offers.

In any sector, SANTA VENDA provides excellent results: automobiles, construction, real estate, mobile phones, computers, decoration, toys, crafts, fashion, travel and tourism, furniture, sports, etc. in addition to services such as universities, training courses, events, beauty salons, specialized mechanical workshops, bars and restaurants, among others.

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